Halloween is right around the corner (again, the year does go so fast, doesn't it?). Let’s face it, the Holiday season is a very challenging time to stay sustainable, but it’s not impossible!

Here are my tips to make sure you are celebrating Halloween like a true Susty Queen:
5 Eco-Friendly Halloween Decoration Tips
1. Use what you have - Upcycle
This is also a great money and time saver! Just skip the shopping and use the same decor year after year. Save yourself from the hustle. Now you are probably thinking, isn't it boring to every year have the same Halloween decor? To be honest, how many will actually remember what you used as Halloween decorations a year before? And those who do, just save the day by explaining you are celebrating Halloween sustainably this year! ;) Those who definitely need to have new decorations every year, we got you covered as well:

2. Shop second hand
If you want to ”spice up” your Halloween decor or you need a completely new decorations for this year, instead of going to Target - shop second-hand and vintage stores. You would be surprised what you can find - truly unique Halloween decor!!

3. Swap decor with your neighbor
Do you remember that amazing decoration your friend had last year? It could be yours, for free! Swapping party decorations is a fun activity too! Throw a little pre-Halloween party with your neighbors/friends and swap some Halloween decor and costumes. Save money, save time, and instead of running in fully packed stores, have a party with fun guaranteed.
4. Shop compostable
If your Halloween includes disposable items, make sure they are compostable and you actually compost them. Also, be careful to not get greenwashed, and remember, 90% of the recyclables in the United States will not be recycled. Compostable is your safest option when you shop for single-use items.

5. Don’t throw away - reuse and repurpose!
Use Pinterest and DIY blogs to learn how to repurpose the items that you already have in your home, there is tons of material online - easy and difficult ones.
Check our Pinterest board for some ideas: Low Waste Holidays - Halloween
DIY projects are also a fun activity to do with kids, make it a fun day at home for the whole family!

7 FUN activities for your Halloween Party
1. Organize a Haunted street or haunted house with your neighbors
Get together with your neighbors and plan a fun, spooky haunted street or haunted house. Ask your older kids to volunteer as ghosts and monsters. Make up a scary story about your street to tell your guests before they start exploring. Who knows, maybe your house/street has a real story that you can "color" a bit to make it scarier ;) If you have small kids, instead of making it a scary experience create a fun adventure where your kids have to find clues and follow a map to solve a Halloween Mystery.

2. Call the Spirits with Ouija
This can be spooky and we definitely don't recommend it for children. Get together with your friends and play the Spirit of the Coin Game/Ouija. Try to find someone who has done this before and can help to set up the game. Maybe there is a ghost whisperer among your friends, who can help you connect with the beyond. Not scary enough? Find a haunted place/area in your area and play there. ;)
3. Throw a Family Costume Party
Dress up as a family and enjoy a good Halloween themed dinner together. The best costume gets a special prize! Organize fun family activities, like board games, horror movies, or tell scary stories.

4. Organize a Halloween Olympics with your family or friends
Dress up and organize Olympics in the backyard or in the house. You can make up your own games or google some traditional Olympic games and spice them up with a Halloween theme.
Here are some ideas form me:
Apple bobbing contest
Costume contest
Best Halloween story
Pumpkin decoration contest
Bag jumping but decorate the bags with Halloween theme
Three-legged race; use a fake snake or any other spooky thing to tie the legs
Pumpkin bowling (like bowling but use pumpkin as a ball!)
Check more ideas for fun games here: 50 BEST HALLOWEEN GAMES FOR ALL AGES
Check out This website : https://www.getyourholidayon.com/5-minute-fall-party-games/

5. Have a Halloween Dinner Party
Show off your cooking skills and put together a terrific dinner party! Serve bloody drinks and other fun Halloween snacks. Ask your guests to dress up and if your budget allows, hire your own scary butler to help you set up a real spooky mansion mood. Don't know what to serve? See pictures for ideas. If your budget allows, hire a local catering company.

7. Throw a Murder Mystery
Here is a website I found that has great content on how to throw a Murder Mystery party.